The liver and kidneys are important organs that naturally eliminate waste in the body. In addition to the liver and kidneys, the natural waste elimination system also involves the intestines, skin, spleen, and lymphatic system. To enhance liver function Our kidneys have food that is good for the liver’s abilities. and the kidneys to clean and filter waste Including toxins from the โปรโมชั่น ufabet blood. And here are 9 foods that help the liver and kidneys filter waste and toxins.

9 foods that help the liver and kidneys filter out waste and toxins
1. Water
The best way to enhance kidney function is to drink enough water. Our kidneys need water to help remove waste from the body. Water also helps keep blood vessels open. Helps blood flow easily. Severe dehydration can lead to kidney failure. Your urine should be light yellow or clear throughout the day. The National Kidney Association recommends that We should urinate approximately 6 cups per day. The appropriate amount of fluid varies from person to person. The general guidelines are Eight glasses of water per day But you may need more water if you exercise hard or are heavy. Men generally need more water than women.
2.Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are often recommended for people with kidney disease. Because these vegetables are high in antioxidants. Rich in nutrients And there is research indicating that Eating cruciferous vegetables can help reduce the risk of many types of cancer. including kidney cancer
In addition, cruciferous vegetables have a variety of cooking methods. It can be eaten raw, steamed, baked, grilled, or added to soups and stews.
3. Blueberry
Blueberries are rich in antioxidants that protect the liver from damage. Animal research has found that Whole blueberries help keep the liver healthy. You can eat fresh or frozen blueberries. Eat as a snack You can add it to yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothies.
Cranberries are often praised for their urinary health benefits. Research indicates that Cranberries can help prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract. This helps prevent kidney infections. You can eat cranberries fresh. Add it to oatmeal, smoothies, or even salads. To benefit from this sweet and sour red fruit.
5. Coffee
Research suggests that drinking coffee may have a positive effect on liver health. Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of cirrhosis in patients with chronic liver disease. And may reduce the risk of liver cancer as well. Research has also found that drinking coffee is associated with a lower risk of death from chronic liver disease. It also helps people with hepatitis C respond better to antiviral treatment. Benefits of coffee for the liver This may come from a mechanism to prevent the accumulation of fat and collagen in the liver.
6. Garlic
Garlic adds delicious flavor to a variety of dishes. *Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties. Can help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. high blood pressure It has a negative effect on the blood vessels in the kidneys, therefore maintaining blood pressure levels within normal limits. Therefore it is important.
7. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants. Most of the research looking at the effects of grapefruit compounds has been done on animals, but the results are interesting. Research indicates that Antioxidants in grapefruit Can help protect the liver from injury. and protect the liver from the negative effects of alcohol
Apples are rich in soluble fiber called pectin. This type of fiber helps control blood sugar levels. Because high blood sugar has a negative effect on the kidneys, it is important to control blood sugar levels within normal limits. Therefore, it has an indirect effect on kidney health. Apples are a great snack option. Especially eaten with peanut butter.
9. Some types of fish are good for liver and kidney health.
Some fish, such as salmon, tuna, and sardines Rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids. Research indicates that Can help reduce triglyceride levels in the blood. and lower blood pressure This has a beneficial effect on both the liver and kidneys. However, fish is a high source of protein. If you already have kidney disease You should limit your intake of high protein foods. Due to eating too much protein It may make your kidneys work harder.