How to play pok deng card games

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After understanding the rules Now let’s see some methods or steps for playing Pok Deng. Although in online casinos the dealer or gaming software takes care of this. But as a player, you should know that there will be no misunderstanding. For how to play, there are steps as follows.

  • Players start placing bets.
  • The dealer deals 2 cards to all players, 2 cards each, and then deals them to himself last.
  • The player combines the UFABET card points in his hand, if it does not reach 8 or 9 points, he has the right to draw another card.
  • The dealer can choose to reveal the player’s card that draws more cards. to compare total scores
  • The dealer can draw more cards before comparing the totals to determine the winner.
  • To stop the dealer’s play Must tell in advance before 3 turns, but if it’s a player, can stop as soon as that turn ends.
How to play poker card games

Vocabulary you need to know about pokdeng

Anyone who has never played bounce before and what it is. It is highly recommended that you study some of these terms as they will help you play with confidence and not break the rules. words that have

  • Pok 8 or Pok 9 means to win with 2 cards with a total of 8 or 9 points.
  • State Flush means three cards of consecutive value. and have the same flower
  • 2 bounce means receive double payout rate Regardless of losing or winning the dealer
  • A sequential state means three cards with sequential points. and flowers arranged together
  • Tong means three cards of the same rank.
  • Yellow means three cards consisting of faces J, Q and K.
  • Blind means that the combined cards result in 0.