Eating vegetable salad for dinner, nutritionists say it’s “bad” for your health, damages your digestive system, and increases your risk of disease.

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Oh! Nutritionists warn that “vegetable salad” should not be eaten for dinner. Many people mistakenly think that it is good for health. In fact, it harms the digestive system and increases the risk of disease.

Eating vegetable salad for dinner, nutritionists say it's "bad"

Salads are a favorite menu for many people, especially for dinner, because they are light and healthy, or for those who want to lose weight . However, Dr. Maximilian Schubert, a famous Austrian nutritionist, points out that salads and other raw foods are not suitable options for dinner.

Why you shouldn’t eat salad for dinner?

Dr. Schubert explains that there are several reasons why salads are not a good dinner option, and it’s even worse if they’re the only food in a meal. He suggests that the best time to eat a salad is lunchtime.

1. Impact on digestion and sleep.

Dr. Schubert says that salads made with raw vegetables, which are high in fiber, although good for the intestinal system, the digestive system will work slower in the evening. Eating raw vegetables at this time may make the digestive system work harder, causing a feeling of bloating and discomfort, which may affect the quality of sleep.

He added that, apart from salads, no raw food is suitable for dinner, especially for those with weak digestive systems, young children, the elderly, those recovering from illnesses, those with low immunity, or those who have trouble sleeping.

2. Increases the risk of high blood sugar.

Some salads often contain fruits and sauces, which may increase the amount of fructose in the body. As the evening is a time when the ยูฟ่าเบท body moves less, blood sugar fluctuates more easily and may lead to weight gain.

3. Not enough calories.

Salads are often low in calories, which may not be enough to meet the body’s needs. It may cause hunger at night or overeating in the next morning’s breakfast. “Salads that are mainly vegetables may make you feel full temporarily, but you will feel hungry quickly because they lack the protein and fat that are necessary for energy. Eating salads for dinner for a long time may lead to malnutrition and increase the risk of disease.”

4 Foods You Should Eat for Dinner

Dr. Schubert recommends the following appropriate foods for dinner:

  • Boiled or steamed vegetables : These are easier to digest and are safe for the digestive system. They provide essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Easily digestible proteins : such as fish, chicken or eggs, provide energy and do not interfere with the digestive system.
  • Cooked whole grains : Such as brown rice, quinoa, or whole wheat pasta can help you relax and sleep better.
  • Light soups or stews : such as vegetable soup or chicken soup, are easy to digest and provide complete nutrition.

He also recommends not eating too much for dinner, eating only 70-80% of your fill, avoiding greasy or raw foods, and leaving at least 3 hours between dinner and bedtime.